He had been hinting about this present for months. He kept saying “You are gonna blister me when you see this thing”. I couldn’t imagine. Because Dad has pulled some very strange gifts out of thin air in the past. He got our family a Toboggan for four when we lived in Lexington, KY. We didn’t exactly have opportunities to use it. But he’s also given me some really cool useful things. He got me an ergonomic shaped purse one year that I carried for something like a decade until right after we moved down here. (A moving day accident involving Sam, WD-40, a can of paint, and the garage rendered the purse and most of its contents insalvageable.)
So it would be an understatement to say my curiosity was piqued. A big understatement. Dad insisted that as long as I packed right, I’d be able to tuck this thing into a carry-on bag for the plane, which pretty much eliminated ‘replacement toboggan’. But other than that, I knew it could be a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g.
When I met Dad for lunch, he had a gleam of excited mischief on his face, and a big box beside him on the table. I took his picture with my phone to commemorate the meeting.
We ate, and we visited for something like an hour before the subject of the gift came around. Suddenly he was nervous. He had, after all, been working himself up since October with this thing.
The present came out of the box in parts. First, there was a compartmentalized bag. (And I was waayyy too impatient to photograph the bits as I removed them.) I said, “Nice bag.” And even as I said it, I was thinking huh, looks like… and before the thought fully formed, I looked back in the box and saw what had been beside the bag in transit.
…a camera bag. “It is a camera bag!” I said.
And is it ever a camera bag. My Dad got me a Canon T3 Rebel. I have been BEGGING Scott to consider investing in an expensive SLR camera, and this is what I’ve had my eye on. Dad and Scott had not been in contact. Dad had no idea. He just went out on a limb and got it. Also, he got me a fantastic lens. At the wedding I was in town to attend that very night, I got tons of compliments from my Auntie Em and even the professional photographer.
The photographer (who taught me how in the hell to use the thing, by the way – really awesome guy) said many kit cameras are just glorified, heavier, handhelds. But the Rebel (as this thing appears to be nicknamed) is classy. I have barely put it down since December. I’ve taken wedding pictures, baptism pictures, train pictures, kid pictures, everything. Dad followed up at Christmas with a long range zoom lens.When I took this picture, I was standing across the room from my niece, who had demanded proof that a lens like that would only photograph her eyeball if I used it indoors.
Jessie Powell is the Jester Queen. She likes to tell you about her dog, her kids, her fiction, and her blog, but not necessarily in that order. |
I'm so glad you and George are having great adult parent/child time together. Take all you can get so when your older, your memories will be full of laughes and smiles.
Excellent advice 🙂
That's a great gift! And I love that gleeful look on your dad's face. I've been thinking about a DSLR for a while, but then I got an SO with a good one and decided I could just use his. 😉
The sound effect that goes with the look is something like 'uh-heh-heh'. Sounds like you found an extremely handy SO! We knew this couple in grad school and one of them insisted "if this relationship ends, I GET ALL THE FRIENDS". You can just explain nicely that if the relationship ends, you can keep the camera, right? 😛
Seems fair to me. I have a lot of his clothes to hold hostage otherwise.
Yay!! And boy was I nervous. As we got closer to our meeting Jess kept posting really great photographs and I'm thinking, " Gads, she already has a camera that takes great pictures * ( turns out it was just her cell phone, a good eye and a steady hand ). Then, as we really got close to our lunch the thought occurred to me, " What if she doesn't even like the SLR format ? ". But Jess loved it and it really made me happy. Now I'll post myy picture on facebook of her-….internationally known novelist, drop dead awesome mom aaand, this is the part I really like…extremely pleased daughter.
Extremely pleased indeed. I love my camera. Sam walked near it once last week and was nearly scalded by my tongue. It totally rocks.
Hehe, your Dad's awesome! I've no idea which Canon the T3 is, we use completely different names over here but enjoy. 🙂
Good point — it's kind of hard to tell in that pic. It's this one: Hopefully a link
I honestly never thought I would have an SLR camera. I just love this thing to death.
My dad is the best gift giver I know. He somehow always gets what I want even if I didn't know I wanted it!
I love it when that intuition kicks in and I just KNOW what to get somebody, and I love it even MORE when they just KNOW what to get me!
I'm still so blown away. This thing is awe-mazing.