Before and After



Ooooh. That felt good. Let’s do it again.


Aaaand After

I couldn’t get them all, as a Sam’s club manager kept hovering. He knew I was up to something. But as I never actually TOOK any books, and he didn’t seem to notice that they flopped around an awfully lot, I could at least remove the worst offenders.

Just doing my civic duty.

About jesterqueen:
Jessie Powell is the Jester Queen. She likes to tell you about her dog, her kids, her fiction, and her blog, but not necessarily in that order.


Before and After — 10 Comments

  1. oooo. You are sharing a little there.

    Careful. Political opinions on the internet tubes are trouble.

    Even if you couch them in hidespeak. Ask Tim Thomas. (shhh. he plays for the other team)

    • Tee-hee. I'm a rampant liberal (as you know ;P). I don't typically out myself here. But this was too much fun to avoid.

    • Thank you, thank you citizen. And if I'm elected, I promise that the voters will have proved themselves idiots. And if elected, I'll suddenly have to behave much better in bookstores, because I don't really support censorship. Just a little obnoxiousness from time to time. I live in the South, and every once in awhile I've got to do something blue in a red state.

    • Zactly! Because Baldacci acknowledges he's writing fiction. I'll admit – I'm liberal and take particular pleasure in moving the Romneys and Becks, but really? All politicians bug me. I'm happy to move any of their junk off to the fantasy section where it belongs.

  2. That these people don't even write their books and they somehow get shelf space DRIVES ME INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Civil disobedience is the highest form of flattery. Though I don't think rearranging the books in the store technically counts as illegal.