Flori and the Tourist

Flori flitted down the alley, a crisp twenty folded in her hand. She tossed the wallet in the dumpster. She wasn’t big time; she didn’t fool with the credit cards. Urre and Kulta, who needed drugs, took bolder risks. Flori emptied out enough to eat and kept a low profile.

A sound at the alley’s mouth alerted her. She looked back long enough to see the tourist’s head, the same distinctive ponytail she had noticed when peeling the wallet free of his pocket. “Shit,” she muttered. Then she yelled, “check the trash mister,” and made a show of running straight into the dead end wall, only to whip around and charge when he was nearly on top of her.… Read the rest

Old Alabama Town

Well, since I didn’t explode the blog yesterday, it’s time to try this slideshow thing again today. Yesterday’s show was a little on the small side, IMHO, so I’m going to go for bigger. But I don’t know if I’ll get it.

We went to the Alabama book festival yesterday and wandered around with the heady smell of intellectualism in our noses for three hours until Sam started trying to break antiques. The festival was housed in Old Alabama Town, a sort of miniature Ye Olde Williamsburg. I’ve avoided the place before, because I feared it would be all Gone With the Wind veneration of the old South.… Read the rest


Well folks, it’s time for me to try my slideshow function again. The last time I did this, I crashed my site. So we’ll see if I’ve unkinked myself yet.

If this works, you’ll be looking at five lovely pictures we took when we went to visit Callaway gardens last month. The green butterfly is not pinned – he’s just in a hatching case where the cocoons are carefully pinned to the … I guess it’s a ceiling.


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Beginning at Woolf

I’m reading  To The Lighthouse in a group led by Lisa Harvey of Seeking Elevation. So I’ve had Virginia Woolf on my mind. But also, we’re cleaning house, and I mean cleaning house around here. And that’s got another famous Woolf piece in my head just now.

Back in January, we took 13 bags of clothing out for donations as part of the quest to Find The Bedroom. Since then, we’ve thrown out or relocated three pieces of huge furniture, opening up the house  and making it begin to look like people really live here. One of the largest changes we’ve made is the transformation of our guest room.… Read the rest


The murdered girl stared at her own reflection. As dead as she was, she still retained her most basic functions. She could see herself, smell the rank odor of her decay, hear memories that wept down from the fluorescent lights.

She heard the squeak of sneakers. “Can you change her?” her mother asked. Was that the smell, then? Just shit? Had she been upgraded from decomposing to merely falling out in clumps?

“Oh,” said the nurse. “Yes, I’ll get that right away.” The murdered girl heard the soft-soled retreat as the nurse went for supplies so she could pretend to observe yet another formality reserved for the living.… Read the rest

Cena Mexicana

We don’t eat out often. With two kids on the spectrum and one of those kids being Sam, we forego most public dining opportunities. However. In order to buy me editing time for my second novel, we’ve been travelling a lot. Scott drives, I edit, and the kids entertain themselves with handheld games. We go somewhere fun and spend time together as a family, then I edit more on the way home. Win-win.

Except that my kids are hungry people. And when they get hungry? My people get cranky. And we don’t always bring enough snacks. SO we sometimes have to stop to eat, and we sometimes stop where no fast food is available, or when we’re just sick to death of the stuff.… Read the rest

Memories Captured April: My Three Loves




Once more this April, I’m linking up with Galit Breen of These Little Waves and Alison of Mama Wants This for their monthly Memories Captured photo meme. Ladies, thanks for an awesome photo meme. This one stretches my editing boundaries every time, and I learn something new and cool in the process.

I edited with GimpShop software, which is like Photoshop, only free, and with Picmonkey, because, in spite of the fact that Gimp is painfully easy to use, I can’t figure out quiiiite everything I want to do in it.

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Hey dudes, I heard there was a PARTAY in the HOUSE

Well, I for one am ALL in favor of celebrations. Especially the ones that involve days and days of hedonistic blogging.

Just to give you a quick introduction, I’m Jessie the Jester Queen, and I’ve got two kids, Caroline and Sam, and an awesome husband, Scott. I’m bipolar. The kids are both on the autism spectrum. Caroline is eight and has been formally diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome.  She’s a budding ballerina who is terrified of most TV shows but loves live plays.

Sam is four, and we’re still at the beginning of our diagnosis process with him.  … Read the rest

Not What I Meant To Do At All












Dear Mrs. McIntyre,

I’m sorry I ran over your mailbox with Dad’s car. I thout I hit the braks. I guess not. I’ll pay you the $65 slowly cos I only ern five dollrs a week.




This is my entry for this week’s Trifextra. We are to write an apology in 33 words (salutation and closing don’t count against). I owe credit to my co-author, Caroline, who helped me with the spelling and posed as Lexi. However, she wants everyone to know she would never steal Dad’s car, and that our car is just ‘our car’, not ‘Dad’s car’.  … Read the rest

Sam at the playground



Shit! How did that happen?

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