Valentine in Blue

I’m linking up today once more with Galit Breen of These Little Waves and Alison of Mama Wants This for their monthly Memories Captured meme.

My little Valentine comes with a story. Last month, Missy over at The Literal Mom hosted a blog giveaway with a random commenter to win scrapbooking software from the folks at My Memory Suite. And I won. I am still learning how to play with my new toy (which, as Missy noted, is bloody complex and takes an AGE to download), but I am enjoying it very very much. The learning curve is worth it, and I used the software to create the image above.… Read the rest


Caroline has reached an age where I don’t post everything she does online. Sam’s still young enough that pretty much any exploit can be attributed to age when viewed in retrospect. My baby duck, though, is growing up. Which is why it surprised me today when she said, as we walked out of JC Penney together, “You’re going to put this on your blog, right Mom?”

“Well, yes,” I said. But I hastened to add, “I’m not going to say what we bought.

Mostly, I wanted an entry about this Sunday’s shop-in. I haven’t even attempted to explain this to her in any depth, and she, unlike me, loves to shop, yearns for more opportunities to do so, and doesn’t really care about the excuse.… Read the rest

Street Scene

“Well, that’s a first.” Caren added the last of the bound carpet strips to the furniture piled at the curb.

Todd grunted an answer, but she couldn’t hear him, because he was hunkered behind the sofa, while she stood in front of the recliners. They still needed to flip those up onto the couch in order to fit the whole mountain on the narrow grass stripe between sidewalk and street. These tenants left so much that hauling it and the carpet out took them well into the night.

“We ought to get a management company,” Caren went on. “My back isn’t up for this kind of lifting.”… Read the rest

Before and After



Ooooh. That felt good. Let’s do it again.


Aaaand After

I couldn’t get them all, as a Sam’s club manager kept hovering. He knew I was up to something. But as I never actually TOOK any books, and he didn’t seem to notice that they flopped around an awfully lot, I could at least remove the worst offenders.

Just doing my civic duty.

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My Life In Music February 14

I’m so excited! Bella over at If This is Motherhood and I are teaming up to present a new Meme every other week. Here’s the story. A few weeks ago, Bella posted an entry about her favorite group, Nickelback. I gotta admit, I’m no Nickelback fan. But her post showed so eloquently why she loves the band that while I was reading her entry, I WANTED to be a Nickelback fan.

In that post, she said she would someday do a series about her life in music, and when I read that, bells went off in my head. I e-mailed her fast saying something to the effect of “ZOMG I want in!”… Read the rest

Why I Love Winter In the South

Because it’s February, and the daffodils are already in full bloom.


Participating in my first ever Wordless Wednesday hosted by the ladies at Spilled Milkshake and My Own Little Corner.

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Cruel Summer

Billy Squier crooned “In The Dark” on Trevor’s boom box. Trevor lay on the top bunk, while across the room, Paul pounded a joystick. “Be careful with that thing!” Trevor warned.

Paul said, “It’s gonna die soon anyway.”

He was right. When the boys opened the gaming console at Christmas, they gazed unbelieving at the box. The machine inside was used, but very real. Nonetheless, one of the joysticks had been broken within a month, its red button jammed down until it wouldn’t spring up anymore, and there wasn’t any money for repairs. The second stick was held together with duct tape.… Read the rest

Shallow Grave

“Pick your glass,” Miss Anna said. “There’s three, all alike.”

“Oh, no ma’am. We trust you,” Trevor said quickly.

Miss Anna laughed. No music in her voice, but no needles, either. “No you don’t” she said. “Nor would I in your shoes. Pick. But don’t drink. Not yet.”

“Did you really hex Mark for what he did to those cats?” asked Paul.

Miss Anna didn’t laugh this time. Just shook her head.

“But you could have,” Paul continued. It wasn’t a question.

Miss Anna nodded.

The choice in beverages suddenly seemed very important indeed. Trevor closed his eyes and picked blind, then Paul did the same.… Read the rest

The wagon

Hello, my name is Jessie Bishop Powell, and…


This is hard. But they say that confession is good for the soul. I’ve been on the wagon since early January, and I’ve done well. So well.  This week, though, has been a humdinger. I’ll tell you about it another time. Suffice to say, it’s enough to drive anybody to revert to old addictions.

But I held out until last night.

It doesn’t matter what happened. It only matters that I surrendered. I woke up this morning determined to do better. When I set out for the grocery store, I was looking for shoe insoles.… Read the rest

So dry

Salty waves beneath. Parched sky above. My love, I will die on this ocean.


This weekend, those crazy crazy editors at Trifecta want us to write a story in three sentences. Those are mine. Up there.

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