
Three days after the fire, the survivors gathered near the restaurant’s still smoldering ruins. “We rebuild,” Anton argued. He smacked his fist into his palm. In his broken English, he tried to explain. “We do not put it back up, then who wins? Huh?”

The men and women who had worked in and owned this building shifted under his gaze. Joshua gave voice to what the others were thinking. “But Chaz died.”

Anton spit. “That’s more reason, not less.”

Joshua said, “Merrin ought to lead the decision. He was her husband.” Murmurs of agreement met his statement.

Merrin looked at the ground.… Read the rest

Smells like…

“That’s not where I put you.” I plucked my Marilyn Manson CD off my desk and returned it to its place in my collection.  Actually, it was one of my Marilyn Manson CDs, Smells Like Children. I had two, and I kept them stored together at the back of a shelf. It was 1998, YouTube was still seven years in the future, and that shelf was stacked three deep.

Two hours later, Manson was back on the desk, where, once again, I had not put him. “Stop it,” I told the CD. The other Marilyn Manson saw no need to jump out and get in my way all the time.… Read the rest

A Modest Proposal (No Babies Will Be Eaten In This Blog Post)




Hooking up once more with Galit and Alison for their Memories Captured meme! Anybody can play, and the only theme is capturing a memory.

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dans mes rêves


So I had a real mindfuck of a dream last week. I could tell it like a story, but I won’t. It boiled down to this: I was granted my most fond wish – I got to move home, away from here. And I didn’t want to go.

I wanted to go  because it’s insane living as a liberal, agnostic, mentally ill, intellectual, feminist in Montgomery, Alabama. And I didn’t want to go because noplace else in the country has private schools so cheap. And quite frankly, I doubt I’d fine one with such high quality.  No other professional ballet company would be so welcoming to my kids.… Read the rest

Little Red Posting Hood

The first meme I ever heard about, long before I thought about participating myself, was this one called The Red Dress Club. It was inspired by something The Bloggess said. (That link is just a generic link to her, not to whatever she said.) Anyway, it was months before I jumped onto the meme wagon myself. And by then, The Red Dress Club had become Write on Edge.

It was only the second meme I ever participated in, and it was the first one that gained me any sort of a following. I really cut my teeth meme-ing teeth on Write on Edge’s prompts.… Read the rest

Suess’s Pieces

Emily Suess’s was one of the first freelance blogs I stumbled upon with a collection of useful resources. Surely, it isn’t the only one, but I have found it’s one of the best. I am honored to have a guest post at her bloggy home today! Check it out, and if you freelance at all, take a look around her website to find handy links and tips.


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Wake of the storm

Rain pounds on the roof behind me, and it rushes down the  trench by the sidewalk. The sound is an  arrhythmic drum line chorus with rumbling thunder accompaniment. All day long, on and off, we’ve had thunderstorms, the leftovers of Hurricane Isaac finally blowing into town. Puddles turn into pools in my yard.

I stand in the downpour, completely enveloped. Gray sheets obscure everything, blurring familiar shapes and bringing false ones to life. I’m soaked to the skin. Wet needles plaster me down and peel me to the bone. Nothing is dry. Nothing should  be dry. The rain records me; it recognizes every crevice and pore and marks me its own.… Read the rest

Take me out to the…what was that line again (Bag Lady Got Nothin’ On Me)

In the absence of a ball game, we took Scott out to the rain delay to celebrate his birthday. Not quite the same. But then, we’ve never been your standard family, so we enjoyed it a lot until everything was cancelled outright. Oh well. We get in free come Saturday. Happy Birthday, hon.


The snacks were good, anyway. Of course, it was ballpark food, so that probably goes without saying. I’m dieting. I ate exactly one bite of a hot dog. #martyrproblems. Oh, and then I went and got the car, all dolled up for our inability to remember umbrellas.… Read the rest

Robert Frost and Trifextra

This weekend’s Trifextra challenge is a little different. I’ll just quote it for you.

Robert Frost one said, “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.”  We want you to do the same.  Sum up anything you want, but do it in three words.  Your response should mirror Frost’s quote by beginning, “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about–.”  And the last four words are yours to choose.


In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about careers. I must write.



In other news, Trifecta is going to start offering critiques.… Read the rest

Dinosaur WHO

The Trifecta prompt this week reminded me of some pictures I took at a museum last month. Because the only station my kids watch is PBS, we see a shit-ton of Dinosaur Train. We see other things, too, but this is the only one I can even remotely tolerate without wanting to throw the brand new TV out to the curb. Anyway. It has this obnoxiously catchy theme song. Here. I’ll link so you can sing along below.

OK, everybody. Ready? Set? Go!!








Once upon a time, there was a 

Her name was 

Sittin’ on her nest, she heard a scratchin’ and said, “Oh Boy my

are hatching.

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