Hope Was

I shut down the computer twice, but the e-mail didn’t vanish. It’s been four days now, and it still hasn’t gone away. My world is aslant. The editor wrote; she wants my book.


For the voting public, that last compound sentence probably invalidates the 33 words of first person narrative. Although I am still technically writing in the first person, I have stepped slightly outside to make generic observations. Possibly, it’s still considered appropriate or close enough for country, since the two third person statements (“The editor wrote; she wants…”) are actually my observations. But it’s too esoteric. I think it’s fair game to enter, but vote for someone else, someone who isn’t blowing their own horn, K? This post is nonfiction. I’ll elaborate tomorrow or Monday.

About jesterqueen:
Jessie Powell is the Jester Queen. She likes to tell you about her dog, her kids, her fiction, and her blog, but not necessarily in that order.


Hope Was — 31 Comments

  1. Published? Being Published?? WOW terrific news!!! I am assuming this is the case? Congratulations on this and also on the prompts Jessie. Woot Woot!

      • Blather all you like hun, tis truly a wondrous thing, to have a Publisher say YES!!! I tried 🙁 I write with warmth and humour but not we are looking for at this time…erm so what time will you look at it then? Hence the EPub route. Well done you must be sooo excited! x
        Hop over and visit Rambly’s recent post Picture it & Write Prompt Just hit EnterMy Profile

  2. OMG!What a great piece of news -am so glad to read this-congratulations:-)Glad you used the prompt to share this wonderful news-am proud to be in august company <3
    Hop over and visit Atreyee’s recent post Oh no!My Profile

  3. Great narrative and congrats. I’m not an expert, but based on the Wiki link provided by Trifecta, I think reciting what someone else said to you is ok. Well done in any case!
    Hop over and visit Lumdog’s recent post CrashMy Profile

    • Downloaded but not yet read. For obvious reasons, it goes to the computer kindle, not the one that belongs to Caroline, and I’ve been swamped with grading. March is my month ‘off’ at work, so I should (once I get February’s grades turned in) have time to read this, finish Buck’s Landing, and get my hands on Cam and Angela’s anthology.

  4. Congratulations!! (: I think I would be a bit disbelieving at first. Well-deserved!

  5. Much congratulations to you. From what I know of your work, this recognition is well-earned and well-deserved. Enjoy the moment.

  6. Oops! I am Anonymous at 2:59 above/below. Darn comment forms! 🙂

  7. Hell, who gives a crap if it’s right for this contest or not? I can’t imagine not sharing such news with everyone right away, except, like you said, for being afraid of jinxing it somehow.
    I’m so dense, I started to wonder why everyone was bragging up their sites so much. So, yeah, hop over and see mine, what the heck? 😉

  8. Frankly, I don’t care if you followed the rules strictly or strayed a bit. “She wants my book.” !!! Jessie, that’s fantastic!
    Hop over and visit Christine’s recent post FistMy Profile