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And this, the lost century, we charge against our souls, holding aloft the future like some cosmic credit line. Reckless, we spend to abandon. We do not expect the bill to come due in our lifetimes.


Those crazy cards over at Trifecta gave us three words, asked us to add 33 more, and challenged us to post the results. Mine don’t feel very original (and yes, I’m one of those writers; I refuse to accept that all of the stories have been told;  I refuse to merely hope for a unique way to retell an old thing; I hate it when I feel repetitive or wheel-reinventive), but it was a lot of fun to dig up a ton of things we should have shredded ages ago and put them in the picture. The only things that are actual, current, cards are my Sam’s club membership, the Starbucks Gold card, and the driver’s license.

About jesterqueen:
Jessie Powell is the Jester Queen. She likes to tell you about her dog, her kids, her fiction, and her blog, but not necessarily in that order.


Charge — 35 Comments

  1. Yes! This is how most of us live. I made the decision years ago, no more credit cards. I know myself enough to know that I have no willpower when it comes to that. I don’t spend what I don’t have. Its hard, but I don’t have a choice.
    Hop over and visit deana’s recent post Unwelcome SurpriseMy Profile

    • We still have them, but we’re the people the credit card people hate. We pay them off at the end of the month and charge very little overall.

  2. This was awesome and so true of this day and age. Several years ago I cut up all but two credit cards. If I can’t buy it with one of those then…

    But gift cards? Bring them on! Clever as always, JQ!
    Hop over and visit Gina’s recent post Trifextra: You Can’t Go BackMy Profile

    • And they aren’t hard to get, since I have one, and I really only go crazy there around the holidays, when I’ll do ANYTHING to relieve the depression.

  3. I spent a good portion of the morning paying bills online…it verges on physical pain. I wish that simply grinding the cards up would wipe out the debt.
    Hop over and visit Tara R.’s recent post Musical EchoesMy Profile

  4. “We charge against our souls…” Oh yes we do. And the devil holds the deed.
    Nice take on the prompt, and very timely.
    Hop over and visit Renee’s recent post SemanticsMy Profile

  5. It’s scary when we hear the amount of our deficit on the news and we aren’t marching in the streets, outraged. (And individuals aren’t much better at managing finances. I hope we’re getting better, though!)
    Hop over and visit JannaTWrites’s recent post LostMy Profile

    • And we don’t march because the numbers are so big as to be incomprehensible. But it’s not just about money, as I’m sure you know.

  6. Ever thought of putting your hair in a power pony tail, strapping on a head set mic, and becoming a motivational speaker? you could make thousands.

    I like the last part. It’s so prophetic.
    Hop over and visit Lance’s recent post 20th Century BoyMy Profile

    • My hair is currently cut into a pixie. This would make the powertail hard. But I’d make a great (if boring) motivational speaker. (They’re all dull)

  7. I agree, with all of it. Yet, we went into debt to have the boys. We didn’t have the money to do the IVF, we had some but we’d spent so much in the 4 years before with other treatments that didn’t work that we were broke, emotionally and in some ways financially.
    it’s funny, because as much as I want to spout that we shouldn’t spend what we don’t have, the truth is that I would do it again. Every time I look at Giovanni and Jacob, I know that the cost (of that in particular) was worth it.

    either way, this is right and true. 🙂
    Hop over and visit Kir’s recent post That’s Not How I Remember It {The Path You Choose: Bree}My Profile

    • Hell yes you should. I get a kick that so many people latched onto the financial aspects of the post because I was a lazy soul and just took a picture of stuff I had lying around the house. But this piece was about emotional debt. It actually has roots in a conversation I had with my therapist years ago about my sister. I kept saying, “She charges the world and thinks the bill won’t come due, then when it does, she charges again”. And the charge in question wasn’t monetary, though she also had no money sense.