Caroline had a playdate this weekend, and her friend’s Mom and I were talking about anal retentive kids.… Read the rest
Category Archives: Sam
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Ballet Camp
Caroline has been taking ballet pretty much since we moved to Montgomery. Last December, she got to perform a small role in the Nutcracker, and there’s no reason to believe she won’t be cast again this winter.… Read the rest
One of the big excitements of the trip was that Caroline has started eating a meat product.… Read the rest
We had an awesome time with friends Dennis and Kristi and their kiddos.… Read the rest
He orders me to stand further and further back as he leaps from the edge, bobbing easily to the surface with his face still submerged.… Read the rest
These stem from a combination of Caroline’s current Calvin and Hobbes addiction and a recent playdate at our house. Caroline’s been reading the series where Calvin makes a boys only club to keep out Susie. But that’s not Caroline’s handwriting on the signs. So we know she had help with the implementation here. Our friend Heather has two daughters and a son, and they came over the other evening. This brought a sufficient number of boys and girls together to launch an all out gender war.… Read the rest