The Summoning

This weekend, those madcap editors at Trifecta want us to write the same exact scene from three different viewpoints, each only 33 words long.  So. This scene follows several hours after this one, from another extremely short Trifextra prompt.


“Remove the cats!” I shrieked. “By the third thunder, the demon box should be empty until I finish the casting!” I raced to finish chalking the sigil that would keep the monster trapped.

When the demon arose choking and spluttering, the child and I dashed around the wizard’s studio madly gathering kittens. But the mama cat arched her back and hissed, ready to battle her foe.

Dander choked me like poison. The time to force this puny wizard’s spell and break the box had arrived, but my eyes watered and I gasped instead for reprieve. Thwarted by a cat!

About jesterqueen:
Jessie Powell is the Jester Queen. She likes to tell you about her dog, her kids, her fiction, and her blog, but not necessarily in that order.


The Summoning — 16 Comments

  1. This only increases my fear of cats. The symptoms are watery eyes, itchy throat, sneezing—yes, it sounds like an allergy, but it’s actually a bone-chilling fear. I see that demons share my fear. I’m not a demon. Great post!
    Hop over and visit Tamyka Bell’s recent post The Lovers and the NurseMy Profile

    • Mwahahah! My Dad always called Mom’s cats sociopaths. They’ve certainly got their own little kitty society.

  2. That’s some cat allergy! It’s funny that the cat could down a foe just by being a cat (didn’t even need hissing and sharp claws :))
    Hop over and visit jannatwrites’s recent post FriendsMy Profile

    • Cats can do many things just by being cats. Just ask the humans who live in their thrall…

    • Haha! I think my husband would say the same thing! Bet the wizard is keeping a kitteh on hand from now on, though, once he realizes how close he came to obliteration.

    • Honestly, you don’t have to be as OCD as I am about it. And some of the prompt groups offer more deadline than length oriented focus with a broader range of ‘desired’. It’s totally addictive once you start.

  3. Pingback: Know your place | | Jester QueenJester Queen

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